Summer Workshop
Workshop by Puppet Master
This wonderful and creative class combines the craft of puppet making and with the skills of performing and none of the stage fright! Students will design and build their own puppet, and learn to bring them to life. Your child will design, cut, glue to create their puppet, while learning acting and improv techniques to make a performance at the end of the course. Students Ages 9 - 16
4 weeks
July 9 ~ August 1
Tuesday and Thursday
10 AM ~ Noon
$200 per student
(includes all supplies)
STEVE TROOP – designer/fabricator/puppeteer
Steve has worked as an animator, cartoonist and graphic designer for over twenty years. His love of puppetry and the ability to draw led to an interesting side career of designing puppets for the Nike MVPuppets and Boost Mobile television commercials and Trace Adkin’s music video “Brown Chicken Brown Cow.” Steve also co-wrote the book, designed and built all the creatures for Alien vs. Musical, the winner of four 2015 Hollywood Fringe Festival awards, including “Best World Premier.”
Presented at
24266 Main St, Santa Clarita